Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Multi-Dimensional Reality

This is the layout of the multiple dimensions as described to me by my spirit guide who appears to me looking like Q off of Star Trek. I'm sure I haven't interpreted it perfectly, but this is my best attempt to describe many dimensions using only two dimensional communication means!

Great... the text in the pics I made is too small to read! LOL! So I have typed it in here, too.

Each dimension is split up into three planes. The PHYSICAL plane is where we spend our waking lives. This is commonly called the ‘Real World’ but the others are real, as well.

When completely relaxed some people are able to separate their astral bodies from their physical bodies and move through the ASTRAL plane. This is usually a reflection of the physical plane where spirits and other non-corporeal entities dwell.

Finally there is the DREAM plane. This is where we go when we are dreaming. Mostly the dream plane consists of small temporary dream worlds inhabited by dream characters created by the dreamers. These worlds usually cease to exist when the dreamer awakens, but sometimes they can become permanant. Dreamers can also venture into each other’s dream worlds to experience shared dreams.

Multiple dimensions exist parallel to each other. Dimensions that are really close to each other are very similar. As they get farther away the differences become more pronounced to the point where distant dimensions don’t seem to have any resemblance to the first one.

In the center of the reality is the blue source. It is the source of all positive energy in the reality. It is where the gods and goddesses live.

World 1 is an ideal world. Whatever a person likes most they will find there. It is basically heaven, nirvana, paradise.

The blue dimensions are filled with mostly positive energy. These are mostly ruled by benevolent beings, although there is some negative energy corruption present.

The white zone is kind of a buffer where the negative and positive energies mix evenly and cancel each other out. The energy here is neutral. Both positive and negative entities can exist comfortably here, and neither has an advantage over the other.

Then comes the Courts of Chaos. These dimensions are primarily ruled by red, or negative energy. Many of the beings here are hostile and demon-like or they are demons. There is a lot of war here, although some peaceful locations can still be found. As with the red penetrating the blue, some blue penetrates the red.

The Red Source is the source of all negative energy in the reality. The red source is ruled by a very powerful demon. In the past this has been the demon most people refer to as Satan, who had been bent on conquering the blue areas for many millennium. Since then a new demon has taken charge, referred to as Lord of the Pitt. He has been focusing his energy on expanding his territory outward to find other realities instead of inward to conquer the blue areas.

Outside the red source is the void between realities. There are other realities out there but that takes a lot of energy to reach them. An experienced traveler could attempt it, but take care not to become lost in the void. Some benevolent entities will find lost travelers and escort them home, but some entities roaming out there are hostile.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009



The Lunar Queen

unknown armies

Truth hidden in plain view.

We are Shamans

The Dreamwalker Chronicles

On finding REAL people when lucid.

The main way to find real people when you are lucid involves changing dreams at will. Different people have different methods for this. Naiya uses a TARDIS, Raven Knight opens portals with music, and I voice my intent to change dreams.

I once found a white Owl while Lucid. I had a feeling it had to do with someone i knew. I voiced my intent to follow it and It led me to one of the most vivid lucid dreams I have ever had.

If both people are intending to dream together they might wind up in the same dream spontaneously!

Once you are lucid: Use your feeling of the person. Everyone in dreaming has a unique energy signature you can recognise them by. It is a subtle feeling of simply knowing THAT person IS that PERSON, no matter how they may appear to you.

Once you have this feeling of the person. Focus that feeling to change dreams and the dream you wind up in will be that persons.

ex from me and Raven knight.

My dream: Dream 4: I was playing a Sonic the Hedgehog video game. And i discovered a glitch. I thought it was cool so i ran out of the house and found Mark75 to tell him about it.

for some reason I got mark to follow me to show him the glitch. But when we arrived Raven Knight had taken his place. She followed me into my house and we were talking a little bit. Her face was hidden behind some sort of white hood. she stopped me and said that i should look at her. She pulled the hood away and revealed her face. I was staring at a child like face that seemed young. but all her hair was white or grey. It was kind of strange. She asked what i had thought... I just said it was nice to finally get to see her.

Her dream:
I focused on using Through the Never to open a portal to find R. A portal opened. Nomad and I went through the portal. On the other side we were in a neighborhood. We were just outside a house. There was a man there. He went over to Nomad. He told Nomad that there was something he needed to show him. I wondered if that was R and he was already lucid. Nomad and I both followed R into the house. He went over to his computer, which was doing something strange. R turned towards me now and looked a bit surprised.

"Raven?" he asked, "I thought you were Mark."

"Who?" I asked. Had he thought Nomad was someone named Mark? Apparently he recognized me, though.

"Can I see your face?" R asked. I realized I was dressed as an Assassin from Assassin's Creed. I pulled my hood away from my face so he could see it more clearly. He stared at me for a bit. I asked him what he saw. I wondered if he saw me the way I picture myself or if he had a different image. He stared a bit more and then disappeared. I pulled a Homer "D'Oh!" at the fact he had disappeared. I turned towards Nomad. He was also gone. I pulled a double Homer. ("D'Oh, D'Oh!") Now I felt like I was about to wake up. I barely got off my triple Homer ("D'Oh, D'Oh, D'Oh!") before I woke up.

You can also use a variation on the meeting place. Oce you are lucid. Change dreams and go to the meeting place.

Keep in mind you MUST have their permission to find them.

Friday, November 6, 2009

MoSh (Man of Shred) Introduction.


I am Man of Shred (Often referred to as the MoSh character in Seth's dreams). I have been Lucid Dreaming off and on for about 3 years.

In the beginning of my journey, I had a dreaming partner. But after much frustration we had to end our Dream shares. Recently I met Seth and his friend Raven. Both of them inspired me to lucid dream again. I have had many synchronizations with them in the Dream realm for the past few months. Their dreaming has helped redefine for me what dreaming is all about.

I am proud to be with them on their journeys into inconceivable dream realms! I will post more along the way.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Something Big

Something big is about to happen. People that have known each other in past lives are coming together for a specific reason. I don't know exactly what that is.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Vortexes and Wormholes

Vortexes. Tornadoes. There is something very powerful about creating these in the Dream Dimension.

It's interesting that my first lucid dream task I completed on DV was creating tornadoes.

I do not fully understand this phenomenon, but I do know that they lead to portals when horizontal, usually.

Tornadoes moving over the ground have the ability to trap enemies within them. I surmise that creating a tornado around yourself will create a barrier.


Wormholes are tubes that link dimensions. We go through these whenever we go through a portal, a mirror, a door into another world. Often we are in the wormhole for such a short time we don't even realize its existence.
The rabbit hole Alice went through was a wormhole.
The birth canal is a physical wormhole. You go from one world of darkness, warmth, and weightlessness, to one of greatly varying physical stimuli.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Juargawn Chronicles

I am posting my DJ on this other blog: The Juargawn Chronicles.